Thursday, December 22, 2011

Caged Bird

You're to release me.
Not what Bird wants.
Must this place be a trap?
Where is that paradise,
The one you promised
When you opened the door.
Beckoned me in.
You let me taste perfection
Only to tear it away
Without a word.

Wonderland faded
The prison now unveiled.
Bird must know why.
Only wants to know
Where perfection broke,
And how.

On to destruction.
The interior disolves
To nothing.

I don't want to be free
Only accepted.
Bird is broken,
Needs a new heart.
Maybe yours?

Please just show me
Either way.
Time is wearing thin
But the scars never will.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hello to Haiku

If you've read much of my blog, you've realized I enjoy writing poetry. Well, I'm trying out hiaku, so wish me luck!
Rules: 3 lines: The first has five syllables, the second has seven, and the third has five.
Here goes nothing!

Strength will be taken
Only when desire to know
Is willingly lost.

Believing is known
The simplest of concepts,
Yet hardest of acts.

Lacks a beginning,
This life we all keep forging,
Also lacks an end.

We push for success,
All crying out for a change,
Yet scarce few will act.

Life gets to be hard,
We want to quit. At these times
We return to dreams.

Standing as a stone,
True to what I believe in.
I know who to be.

Well, that was fun! :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

If you look around at our mad world and just listen for a while, you will notice that it has it's own rythm, it's own flow... It's own sort of poetry. Even through the pain and the madness, there is a sort of beauty in it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

More Beautiful Quotes

"Stars, coffee and rings?! It's a Jewish wedding!!"
-I love the gingers in my life!

"I could see that loud and clear..."
-Oh, boy...

"Does it have to be harmful, or can it just be not good for you?"
-Or could it be both? O_o

"I guess I was hungry for Christmas-uhImean-breakfast."
-I bet Christmas tastes all festive and delicious :)

"Oo! Hair works really well as floss!"

"We want to be our guests first choice for dinner. ...Wait..."
-I love my job.

"So where did Noah put the whales and whatever? Did he have, like, a tank or something?"
-A Genius

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lovely Little Poems

Lovely little poems
Buzzing in my head.
They whisper and they giggle
As they hear their bodies read.

I write them when I like
And even when I don't.
I've asked them, please, to free me,
But they tell me that they won't.

Lovely little poems
Dancing 'cross my mind.
They've grown to be a part of me
The piece I couldn't find.

The piece I've carefully hidden
That I scarcely dare bring out;
For words are the fiercest weapons
When they're flung and thrown about.

Lovely little poems
That I must learn to bend.
It's my duty to instruct them
To either bite or to befriend.

Shay Stockstad


Applying for college.

It's madness.

For those of us that are.. er.. not as on top of things as our peers, any way. I just spent the past two and a half hours of my life trying to scramble everything together to apply for BYU-I by the end of tomorrow. Ouch, right?

Eh, not really. It was my own fault.

What I'm trying to say is DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Just don't do it! It's HORRIBLE!

Thank you for reading this underthought and hastily written, yet vitally important message.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Wall

No escaping
The anguish,
The tears that never cease
To beat against this heart.

No breaking through
The wall.

The one you put up in front of me
Everytime I look at you,
Say your name.

I'm lying here
Broken, bloody,
From hitting that wall
And over again.
I can't break through
But I have to.
Have to obliterate
The space
The empty universes you've spanned
Between you and me.

That space has become
To my heart.
Love thrown away
Shattered across the floor.
A part of my heart
That can never be mine again,
Can never be whole.

I live to see you:
That you're safe,
That you're happy,
To see your smile.

If only it didn't flee
Everytime I showed my face.
My diseased face.

Hope dies
The hole widens
When the dead in your eyes trains upon me.
Killing me again.

So why, Love?
Why do I keep trying,
Beating my bleeding fists against
That wall,
The one too hard to break?
The one that can only be taken down
From the inside.

I don't know,
I know almost nothing!

I've lost all but this truth:
I love you.
And that is all.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Not An Option

A solace in feeling,
In knowing,
You won't give up.

There's a battle to be fought,
People to win over,
Opinions to conquer.

It looks bleak
But I have faith
It will turn out
One way...
Or the other.

Odds still even,
The only reason I have
To continue.

My heart hurts,
But giving up is not
An option.
Not for me.
Never for me.

Monday, September 19, 2011


That moment of Victory
Lighting up your insides.

Your heart full
Of pride
And success

Filling in cracks
Created durring the battle
That has now been won.

A fight long lived,
It overstayed its welcome
And now has to answer
To Justice.

We feel ourselves becoming.
Becoming stronger

It's so odd to win
Just as you've given up.
Given out.
Only to realize that the final blow,
That last effort that you made,
Was not in vain.

To conquer,
To better yourself,
To actually accomplish something
Is the greatest feeling in the world.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beautiful Quotes

"I used to do that... Or I was your age, once... Okay, maybe both."


"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know the statue of liberty was green. I mean..."

-Panda Bear

*"Shh! Boys! You'll wake the baby!"

-My Brother

"They sit there on the counter saying, "Blow me! Blow me!"


"Oh, uh, oops... Would you like a plate of soup, dear?"


"Well, you know how it is... Fish of a feather..."


I promise, there WILL be more!

It's not the performance itself that really matters. Not the game or the sport, not even the victory. What maters is the unision of our hearts for a cause. Those shining moments where we love eachother and see eachother as capable and worth while.
What matters is that when we work together our souls, our purposes, are united as one.


There will always be opposition. There will always be people who misinterprate our intentions, who don't like us, or who simply don't know us. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that we know exactly what our intentions are and that they are always good, that we know exactly who we are, and that we care enough to take the time to find the real intentions behind the actions of those around us so we don't hurt anyone else. As long as we focus on those things, we can be happy. No matter who or what opposes us or what we stand for, and as long as we are standing for the right, we can stay strong.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Words

The words come
Faster, faster
My fingers gowing wings
The clacking of the keys
Drowning out all thought
Beautiful words

A time when the mind
Free to express
To love it's words

To fix what might be said
To perfect
Shining enlightenment
Helping them to grow
Perfect words

The clacking stops
My fingers cease
Relentless beating
Of the keys
I read what has come
What has surfaced
What I believe

These words feel true
Feel right
Light shines
Between those lines
The words send

Then dark comes
No one will listen
They are closed
Dark themselves
Is there a point
To sharing my heart?

Someone will listen
Will see
Will feel
They are open
They won't fear
The light of these words

My finger drifts
From delete
I know some will beat me

For saying
For loving enough to share
These words

The one
He who listens
Is worth it
Is beautiful
Is worthy of the words

My faith in the one
In the words
Begins to burn

My mouse drifts


The words speak.

Across A Page

Dancing notes
Cover a page
They challenge me
To take the Stage
To shine my light
Across the sea
And try to be all I can be

A sudden hush
Falls over the crowd
As the intro starts
That silence is loud
It makes a roaring
In my ears
It makes me want to disappear

As my entrance comes
I take that breath
I realize that I'll make it yet
More than that, I can win
Show them all who to put faith in

To lead with words
With music and voice
Can't turn back now
I have no choice

I think to that music
Dancing over the page
And remember how
To take the stage

I think to the way it made me feel
And decide that what I share will be real
I want them all to know what it means
Those words and emotions, flowing with ease
As if I'm the writer I begin my song
And the message I'm sending can't go wrong

I forget the faces,
The silence,
The nerves
I hear nothing but music
See nothing but words
I know they feel
What I'm feeling now
As I dance with the music
Making it proud

Dancing notes
cover a page
They challange me
To take the stage
To share my light
And strive to become
Someone who shares
That music that loves

Bring On

Bring on the memories

Biting at my mind

They burn me and they turn me

As I search and try to find

A reason or a solace

For me to find escape

From the worries

And the stress

That daily life creates.

Bring on the solace

That I've worked so hard to gain

From the sifting and the searching

And from going against the grain.

Not a shield from other people

But a shield against the dark

A sheild to protect my loved ones

One to defend my heart.

Bring on the losses

That no person can avoid

That come with loving others

And having no ability to decide

The choices of your loved ones

And the paths that they will take.

They will help or they will hurt you:

It's often your heart that will break.

Bring on the joy

That everyone desires

The joy that I have looked for

The goal of many liars.

They will search and they will fail

Because they do not understand

That joy comes from being truthful

And living only by Love's hand.

Bring on the memories

That burn me from the past

That bring sadness

That bring happiness

And reconciliation at last.


It creeps and crawls it's way into your heart

Then it gnaws and it claws and it tears it apart

Like an angry beast that tries to get out

It brings you too close to screaming out loud

Frustration and fear; you don't even know why

That beast inside you is making you cry

Brought to life by betrayals, good looks, and old soars

It grows and it fights and it bites and it roars

You try to fight off that monster inside

But it keeps coming back, because you can't hide

From the pain and the wishing that sets, and that burns

You think you're free, but then it returns

The truth is the monster is in your head

He wispers and taunts and fills you with dread

And when you believe him, that's when he'll strike

That flaming inside you that's so hard to fight