Monday, September 26, 2011

Not An Option

A solace in feeling,
In knowing,
You won't give up.

There's a battle to be fought,
People to win over,
Opinions to conquer.

It looks bleak
But I have faith
It will turn out
One way...
Or the other.

Odds still even,
The only reason I have
To continue.

My heart hurts,
But giving up is not
An option.
Not for me.
Never for me.

Monday, September 19, 2011


That moment of Victory
Lighting up your insides.

Your heart full
Of pride
And success

Filling in cracks
Created durring the battle
That has now been won.

A fight long lived,
It overstayed its welcome
And now has to answer
To Justice.

We feel ourselves becoming.
Becoming stronger

It's so odd to win
Just as you've given up.
Given out.
Only to realize that the final blow,
That last effort that you made,
Was not in vain.

To conquer,
To better yourself,
To actually accomplish something
Is the greatest feeling in the world.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Beautiful Quotes

"I used to do that... Or I was your age, once... Okay, maybe both."


"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know the statue of liberty was green. I mean..."

-Panda Bear

*"Shh! Boys! You'll wake the baby!"

-My Brother

"They sit there on the counter saying, "Blow me! Blow me!"


"Oh, uh, oops... Would you like a plate of soup, dear?"


"Well, you know how it is... Fish of a feather..."


I promise, there WILL be more!

It's not the performance itself that really matters. Not the game or the sport, not even the victory. What maters is the unision of our hearts for a cause. Those shining moments where we love eachother and see eachother as capable and worth while.
What matters is that when we work together our souls, our purposes, are united as one.


There will always be opposition. There will always be people who misinterprate our intentions, who don't like us, or who simply don't know us. But it doesn't really matter. What does matter is that we know exactly what our intentions are and that they are always good, that we know exactly who we are, and that we care enough to take the time to find the real intentions behind the actions of those around us so we don't hurt anyone else. As long as we focus on those things, we can be happy. No matter who or what opposes us or what we stand for, and as long as we are standing for the right, we can stay strong.