Friday, February 3, 2012

Stronger than words.

There comes a point in the emotional realm where words are simply not enough. I want to pluck my feelings from my very heart and transfer them directly into yours. It isn't enough, now, that I tell you my intentions are pure. It isn't enough that I tell you I'm sad, that I'm joyful, that I'm tired. I want to find words to make you feel this, to allow you into my soul to understand me.

I want to understand you. I wish I could take your emotions and feel what you feel, so that I might know how.

How to cheer you up, or on, or how to better share in your joys and successes. I want to know when you need me so I can be there. I want to be able to promise you that I WILL be there, whenever it is that you might have need of me in any form.

I wish you could know my intentions are pure. You can't, of course. You simply have to trust me. Sadly, it seems mistrust is most people's first reaction. Therefore my greatest hope is that one day you will trust. Though that risk of pain is interminable in this lifetime, opening up is the only way joy can be found within it. I must be allowed into your life to make a difference in it... Hiding from hope is the most detrimental of mistakes in this world.


  1. :D hope can do wonderful things. I enjoyed reading this shay, thanks :)

  2. However did you get to be so amazing? HmmmM..oh yeah! I'm your mom! :)

    I am the luckiest. I was there for your first song, your first solo, your first vibrato... I have seen it all from the beginning, and it has been a joy! I am very excited to see all of the new firsts to come as life after high school begins. You have always been my "Shayshine". I love you very much! Mom
