Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Colors

Splendid, defining colors!
Enhancing my skewed view of the world,
Brightening the day, defining lines and surfaces.
Colors spreading across my vision,
Creating a plane of both dissonance and harmony,
A place of rest and wonder,
A place for an adventure,
This world of mine.

My eyes are just a passage to my heart,
A means for the colors to reach the part of me that truly
Recognises beauty,
Accepts truth.
Creates the memories and images within me,
Storing them away for use in dreams.
Bright, colorful dreams.
My own adventures.

There is sight, and then there is seeing.
I love to see.
The truth within a human heart.
All defined and colored!

I love to see creation.
Things borne of human minds,
Inspired by spirit and desire,
Given color through
Pen and paper,
Paint and brush,
Simply standing there and breathing
In awe,
In wonder
At the colors.
Bright and blossoming and brilliant.

They bring the most beautiful of messages to the soul,
Inspire it to create!

They have the power to frighten it, as well.
To damage and sadden it.
Colors are bendable and unmoving.
They are their own beings,
Viewed differently through each persons eyes.
Enoyed differently by every soul in the vast expanse of our universe.

My colors define who I am.
They define my universe.
They define the ones I love to love.
Though I may be different,
Though I may be strange and reminiscent,
I want these that I care for to know this:

It's always worth taking that step back
And standing in awe.
There is something to gain in really seeing
The colors.

The colors we love to paint our dreams with.

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