Monday, October 8, 2012

A Little Obnoxious, Actually

There's no song I can sing to bring you back.

Melodies dance,
Little notes that call your name.
They spring from my heart,
They come to my lips,
No matter how I fight them, they're there.
My heart is chalk full of songs for you.

Soulfully I sing them,
The happy little notes content
to orchestrate my sorrows
As if you could hear them.

Why won't they bring you back?
Bits of my very soul are forced through
As the songs burst from my heart!
Shouldn't that be enough?
Enough to prove that I'm qualified,
That I have just as much a right to be happy,
As any other ridiculous person on this ridiculous planet?

Course not.

But I keep on singing.
Blazing notes and phrases
Still springing up and bubbling over
A little obnoxious, actually.

But there you go, I suppose.

You just aren't coming back.

But I'll sing your songs

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Almost and Always

Success is not set in stone.
It’s not always in the eye of the beholder,
But when it is, it’s easy to please.

It doesn’t really matter how many times,
It doesn’t seem to matter how hard,
You are trying.
What matters is doing the thing right.
Or how much fortune follows you.

It seems easy enough.
Until you’ve given it your all and realized
That you have no idea
What the right way is
To find success.

People tell you that it’s spelled out,
Clear in writing,
That for you, it’s not so hard.
They think that they know
That they can say words to help you.

Sometimes you wonder if they’re right
If they really do know how it is
And you’re just too small,
You are just too blind
To see the truth.

But how can anyone know?
How can someone profess to know
Everything about you?
How you think,
How you work,
The things of the past that haunt you.

Success comes almost always.
If you try, if you aim at it well enough,
You might just get there.
But Almost sits calmly,
Constantly sharing the picture
With Always.

That is what they don’t know.
Success does not always come.
Not even to the skilled,
Or the fortunate.

Not even to those who need it most desperately.
Or those who most deserve it.

Success is not always.

And when it isn’t,
Grace intends for us to learn
With patience.

Monday, September 24, 2012

What Poetry Is

Poetry - English 352
September 24th, 2012

What Poetry Is

It’s a vast, deep Ocean.

Rivers of words and emotions flowing in and out
Currents of ideas and people swirling through them, changing them,
Rearranging their shapes into something more familiar,

Centuries of walls stand round the shore,
Ancient attempts of power to withhold and bend knowledge, change it,
To feed it to society in a way which promotes rule,

The walls are no longer holding the outside world at bay, but simply
The Sea. It is necessary to search, make an effort, but it is no longer forbidden
To know, to explore. Centuries of words flood it, deepen it,
Unfathomable, unending currents of evolving words.
Invisible to all but those who leap over the walls. It’s often the
Those who are open and ready to drink in the words. They are the
They will be the first to glean meaning. The Sea welcomes hearts with a steady, crashing song,
Waves of words leading to endless expressions and descriptions,
Their ideas with its own grace, its own rhythm. Never quite
The words it contains, but allowing them to be bent to the will of new minds .
Though the words, the emotions, have been infinitely used and worn down, they are
Though the meanings differ and change, they continue to
The minds of the brilliant and the simple, the proud and the humble.
The images contained by each simple creature in the sea, each simple word, vividly
Hearts to memories and experiences, objects and questions.

The countless mesmerizing rhythms of the ocean lead millions to
The advancing years, to wonder what might lie beyond what is now,
The meanings of what the secluded cees might be… To wonder if they might ever be
Whatever poetry is, it is what it wants to be.
There are so many other letters,
Many more appropriate than the cees in the Sea.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Best Things

There are good things.

Good things like passing grades.
Like the wind playing with your hair,
Or the feel of cool water on your sun-toasted skin.
Things that give you a rush of happiness:
Temporary, but true.

There are great things.

Great things like kind smiles.
Like the rush of knowledge and discovery,
Or that first kiss, precious and terrifying.
Things that you'll hold in your memory forever:
They imprint themselves into your heart.

Then there are the best things.

The best things are choices:
They are the people you let affect your life,
The deeds to which you dedicate your soul.
The best things leave salty tear tracks on your face
And glowing joy in your heart.
The best things can make you a warrior for light
Or bring you enough pain to tear down your resolve.
They are the things that last:
They will follow you into forever.

The best things will teach you.
They will show you how to learn,
How to grow,
And how to love.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Smile For Me

Smile for me,
And with that smile
Set free old sadness
And let go for awhile.

Smiles are limitless:
They turn on new lights,
Prove dissappointment wrong,
And settle old fights.

They show Anger she's wrong
At the end of the night,
And show that compassion
Is what ends the fight.

See, you have to remember
That care lies within.
Remember people love you
And they want you to win.

So share something with them,
Those who care about you
Remind them you're grateful,
And you care for them, too.

There's a glow when you smile
At least when it's real.
Proof to others you're human,
It's proof that you feel.

It means you have reason
To breathe, to create.
It means you find joy
In each risk that you take.

Smiles are beacons
They invite in the world
They share warmth and love,
And courage unfurled.

To smile is to share,
Brightening somebody's day.
Smiles express things
Impossible to say.

So please, smile for someone,
I'm sure as you do,
You'll find that they're saving
A smile for you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ending The Knife Words

I am ready for the knife words to stop.
I am ready for my heart to end her aching,
For my mind to calm, to collect itself.
I am ready to be okay,
For you to be okay.

There comes a time when you have to stop running,
Or face the regret of doing nothing
For the rest of your life.

There aren't many things more devastating,
More heart breaking,
Than realizing that you should have done something,
That you COULD have done something.
That wasted months could be forgotten
And forgiven
In less than a heart beat.

Now there is good news:

You still can.

My heart wants to forget
and forgive
She wants to be free
To move on,
To write a new song
And share it with her world.

With you?

But she can't.
Not until pride is set aside,
Until you forgive her
For caring.
For being too sensitive to your words
Too obsessed with the things
You MIGHT be thinking.

There will be no flight until all the pain,
All the hurt,
All the agony,
Is fogiven and forgotten.
Until it's all released into yesterday,
And breath is finally given
To tomorrow.

End the knife words.
End the sadness.
End my nonexistance.
Let me exist in your world,
And I promise:

Everything will be okay.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Stranger to the Rain

"Shed no tears for me,
There'll be rain enough today.
I'm wishing you godspeed
As I wave you on your way.
This won't be the first time
I've stayed behind to face
The bitter consequences
Of an ancient fall from grace.
I'm a daughter of the race of Cain:
I am not a stranger to the rain.

Orphan in the storm,
That's a role I've played before!
I've learned not to tremble
When I hear the thunder roar.
I don't curse what I can't change
I just play the hand I'm dealt,
When they lighten up the rations
I tighten up my belt.
I won't say I've never felt the pain,
I am not a stranger to the rain.

And for the boy who's given me the sweetest love I've known,
I wish for him another love so he won't be alone.
But I am bound to walk among the wounded and the slain,
And when the storm comes crashing on the plain,
I will dance before the lightning to music sacred and profane!


Shed no tears for me,
Light no candle for my sake.
This journey I'll be making now
Is one we all must make.
Shoulder to the wind,
I'll turn my face into the spray.
And when the heavens open
Let the drops fall where they may,
If they finally wash away the stain
From a daughter of the race of Cain.
I am not a stranger to the rain...

Let it rain."

Sung by the character Yona in "Children Of Eden"... One of the most beautiful songs I've ever had the fortune to perform.

Her Greatness

She creates, builds worlds with her words on a whim. Gifted with royalty, cursed with womanhood, and banned by fate from love. She is grace and poise and wisdom.. She is also alone. No path is open to her but power, a burden which, if not carried with grace, courage, and an iron, unwaivering certainty, will kill it's bearer, bring her down. With a passion that surpasses any before her, she leads the people in her care out of their fallen state and onto greatness and prosperity. She is unwaivering strength. She is creative genius. She is a woman. A german. The Empress of Russia.

She is Catherine The Great

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Colors

Splendid, defining colors!
Enhancing my skewed view of the world,
Brightening the day, defining lines and surfaces.
Colors spreading across my vision,
Creating a plane of both dissonance and harmony,
A place of rest and wonder,
A place for an adventure,
This world of mine.

My eyes are just a passage to my heart,
A means for the colors to reach the part of me that truly
Recognises beauty,
Accepts truth.
Creates the memories and images within me,
Storing them away for use in dreams.
Bright, colorful dreams.
My own adventures.

There is sight, and then there is seeing.
I love to see.
The truth within a human heart.
All defined and colored!

I love to see creation.
Things borne of human minds,
Inspired by spirit and desire,
Given color through
Pen and paper,
Paint and brush,
Simply standing there and breathing
In awe,
In wonder
At the colors.
Bright and blossoming and brilliant.

They bring the most beautiful of messages to the soul,
Inspire it to create!

They have the power to frighten it, as well.
To damage and sadden it.
Colors are bendable and unmoving.
They are their own beings,
Viewed differently through each persons eyes.
Enoyed differently by every soul in the vast expanse of our universe.

My colors define who I am.
They define my universe.
They define the ones I love to love.
Though I may be different,
Though I may be strange and reminiscent,
I want these that I care for to know this:

It's always worth taking that step back
And standing in awe.
There is something to gain in really seeing
The colors.

The colors we love to paint our dreams with.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Luckiest
Ben Folds

"I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls
Brought me here

And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it everyday
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

What if I'd been born fifty years before you
In a house on a street where you lived?
Maybe I'd be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?

And in a white sea of eyes
I see one pair that I recognize
And I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you

Next door there's an old man who lived to his nineties
And one day passed away in his sleep
And his wife; she stayed for a couple of days
And passed away

I'm sorry, I know that's a strange way to tell you that I know we belong
That I know

That I am
I am
I am
The luckiest"

I have the most wonderful friends and family. I live in one of the greatest places on earth. I always have enough to eat, a roof over my head, and someone to talk to. I have an education. I can write. I can sing. I can worship freely. I have people to love, and people to love me.

I AM the luckiest. <3
Whenever I watch a movie like "Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King", I am not only seized by an unsatiable desire to improve upon my fencing skills and stamina, but I'm reminded of something: No matter how dark and dismal, no matter how hopeless the situation may appear, good comes out on top in the end. Yay for a light in the dark ^_^

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Flames ignited.
Fire burning hot enough to quench

Blossoming colors, changing and growing,
Morphing into something that strikes new chords
Within the heart.

Familiar lightning explodes,
Though new shapes brand themselves behind the eyelids.

Love is a familiar fire,
Yet so new each time it flashes across the sky.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Well, in about twenty minutes it's off to rehearsal. I've never learned as much about myself in one place as I have in the Lehi High School auditorium. I've also never had quite so much stress... Or as much fun. :) I love it, though. I love it more than anything I've ever tried, apart from singing. I can't imagine how it would be if I hadn't been brave and auditioned for this class. I'm doing things and breaking barriers I never thought that I could. Go risk takers! :D

If you glean anything from this, it should be to stop hiding from yourself :) ...It's dang scary, but it's infitely more worth it. It's not that I'm not scared anymore, I'm just a whole lot braver. After that first step out of your comfort zone, the next one doesn't seem quite so taxing.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Stronger than words.

There comes a point in the emotional realm where words are simply not enough. I want to pluck my feelings from my very heart and transfer them directly into yours. It isn't enough, now, that I tell you my intentions are pure. It isn't enough that I tell you I'm sad, that I'm joyful, that I'm tired. I want to find words to make you feel this, to allow you into my soul to understand me.

I want to understand you. I wish I could take your emotions and feel what you feel, so that I might know how.

How to cheer you up, or on, or how to better share in your joys and successes. I want to know when you need me so I can be there. I want to be able to promise you that I WILL be there, whenever it is that you might have need of me in any form.

I wish you could know my intentions are pure. You can't, of course. You simply have to trust me. Sadly, it seems mistrust is most people's first reaction. Therefore my greatest hope is that one day you will trust. Though that risk of pain is interminable in this lifetime, opening up is the only way joy can be found within it. I must be allowed into your life to make a difference in it... Hiding from hope is the most detrimental of mistakes in this world.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I believe,
And you believe
That each of us knows what's right.
We fight for our cause,
We follow our laws,
We've got all our goals in sight.

I'm brave and strong
And I know what's wrong
And I won't step away from the truth.
You've found the way
And you'll never stray
'Cause you've got some solid proof.

The catch in the story
That steals all the glory
That problem that burns and stings,
Is that you and I,
Though truth's flag we both fly,
Believe in quite different things.

We argue and fight
Over what's really right,
We forget what's at stake up above.
It's so hard to concieve,
That whatever we believe,
All anyone really wants is Love.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quotes Part III

"Who'd you eat for dinner?"
-The Ma

"I'd just be glad my life was... Alive."
that same night:
"They need to behave more... Behaved."
..still that same night:
"It's estrogen on testosterone!"
-My favorite Lex.

"Excuse me a moment, I'm being improper."
-I wonder about myself sometimes.

"Hey! I get up every morning and sort of do my hair! THAT is effort!"
-I also worry.

"I LOVE U2!!" *Gives me a wierd look* "...Uh, I meant the band..."
-Ha ha...ha :)

"Oh! I thought you said you had 'eyeball-sockets of popcorn in your teeth'."
-I LOVE the people I work with!

"You've been kissed by the sugar flum pairy!"
-The Ma.. On whatever it is The Ma's always on <3

It's been a good month :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

The lessons that silence has taught me.

I've just spent a priceless while walking in the snowy cold. I'm inside now, warm and safe. My hands are blue and warming quickly. My hair is wet, and the last flakes of snow are just now melting into it, making it curl.
I was walking in a place that I have loved since I moved here seven years ago, a place that has kept me strong and sane and safe. It's a small, quiet haven here in the city. I have known the trees as they've grown, many new ones planted recently, in fact, in the time that I have lived here. I've memorized so many of the names that mark the grave sites lining the paved roads and pathways.
I often times hear the sound of the wind russling through the leaves as I drift off to sleep. The pathways of the Lehi Cemetery have been the setting of countless numbers of my dreams.
As the snow falls within the fences and the world around it is muffled, the magic of the place intensifies. The quiet peace of the cemetery brings back memories of the past and helps to develop a clearer view of future possibilities. As the thick white flakes make crisp sounds on the ground, it's as if the voices of those memories are in my ears, heightening the sense that I am not alone here. I feel closer to the earth, closer to myself. I can think clearly.
All too often I forget this magnificent gift, this safe haven so close to my home. In a matter of months I will pack up my things and be off to college. I'll be leaving this place behind me, and I will miss it.
But I know I will still fall asleep to the sound of snow flakes coming to rest on the wet ground. I will dream of the wind singing its way through green leaves, soon to capture sun colors and dry up and fall to the ground. I will remember the many songs I sang in that place, and the special people I shared it with. I will remember these things because they carried with them the spirit of strength and light that is so rare, and often lost in this world of noises and bustling. I will never forget the peace that spirit has given me through my personal battles. Through my own mistakes and pain.
The greatest lessons I have learned in my life seem to have come through silence. They have come through running to a place where I can feel alone and safe and loved and free. Today, in the cold, I realized how fortunate I am to have had this place near to me, and how sad I am to leave it behind. It will always have a place within my soul, near to the heart of me. I will never forget all of those song filled walks in the cold.
In the rain.
In the wind.
In the the snow.
In the beaming sunshine.
I will never forget the lessons that silence has taught me.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Simple Thoughts

Thoughts enter
Words unbidden, flawless,
Silence spills into beginning.

A new chapter can be written
As the slate of mind is wiped.
Not clean,
No, memories tarnish,
Add a strange hue,
To this new image.

Ideas flow soundlessly,
Pure and gentle,
Welcoming a tired heart.
It is a new place,
A clean place,
Bound together by simplicity.
Simple words, simple thoughts.
Clean ideas.

Pulling this new place together,
Words swirling through
White space
The tainted nothingness
To create a new home,
A new place to be.
Hope spirals skyward
Blossoming from the new ground.
Hope that this
These simple words
Are true.

That they are strong enough to hold
A soul,
Full enough to nourish
A sad spirit.

These thoughts, though unbidden,
Are welcome.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stand with both of your feet in the same place. Either you believe in the truth, or you deny it. Because the time will come when the side of the rift that is truth and the side of the rift that is lies will begin to move away from eachother. If you are not grounded in truth, you will either fall into the rift, or find yourself consumed by darkness and lies on the other side. Not to say that there is no way back, but do you really want to deal with the injuries, regrets, and pain that come from denying truth? The choice is yours.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Your Choice

The soul is shaken,
The heart breaks.
Earth has split beneath your feet.
As it's people have begun to fall,
To forget eachother,
Sadness becomes merely bearable.

Is there hope?


No, they say.
It's time to give up,
To turn your back upon the crumbling people
Who kill this world.
The loss of morals,
The crushing blows
Dealt to those
Who love,
Simply because of a destructive
A wrong
Toward this life.
They begin
An entire race
Balancing on their killing sword.
Our race.
Our Earth.

They hate to love sincerely.
They are proud.
They are lazy.
There is no hope for them.
There cannot be!

Can there?

Those who destroy have lost
The Light.
Their light.
Does that mean it cannot be found?


There IS hope.
The world is dry and cracked and bleeding,
The only cure,
The only hope
IS that light.
The Light of love
Of truth
Of respect.
The Light that so many have lost.

We pray,
Plead for humility.
For us,
And for them.
Because we know
The point will come
Where nothing we say,
Nothing we can possibly do,
Can change thier minds.
Could ever soften
The hardness in their hearts.

Earth bears her wounds
But must she bear them at all?


Not if we are at peace.
At peace with ourselves,
With eachother,
With the work we must do
To love.

In the end it is a choice.
Will we serve ourselves,
Watch the world cry and bleed,
Begging on her hands and knees
For love?

Or will we work
As we must!
For the joy that can be,
If only we learn to love
The Light.
To respect the
Children of the world
As we do our own selves.

Only then will She cry out
In joy
Rather than in anguish.
Laugh as She,
Perfect and new,
Once did.

Our Earth.

Our people.

The fate of our happiness,
Of our entire future,
Has always,
And always will,
Rest in one choice.

It all,
Comes down to your choice.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And, as she began to settle into life once more, the dam that held back the darkness and hardships in her life burst, weakened as it was.
"Well," she said to herself, "I suppose, by now, that it ought to be expected." And with that, she pressed on, fighting her way through a fresh fog of blackess and confusion with The Light at her side.