Sunday, February 2, 2014

"I do it for you"

Only words, but they turn my world upside down. 
My heart expands and bursts through ancient shackles, and tears roll down my cheeks at the unexpected pain that comes with relief. 
Warmth floods corners of my heart that I'd forgotten exist. 
I had closed those doors, locked memories away within them and forgotten the combinations. 
Now those memories flood out, maddening emotion ripping apart my resolve and drowning the mask that I have convinced myself is me. 
Is this what healing feels like? 
I don't want to pull you into my chaos, but I have an inexplicable and unshakable impression that you will hold my hand as I stumble into and adjust to the light of possibility. 
Of worth. 
Of happiness.

 I'm both elated and terrified.