Tuesday, June 30, 2020

welcome traveler

Welcome traveler. Youll forgive the excitement round town, we haven't had visitors to our little village in many a year. Can I ask yeh, how was your journey upon the road? 

That's mighty strange friend. Yeh see, round bout 20 year ago, we stopped hearin from outsiders. Some left the boundaries of the outer homesteads to get news of the outside world, and they were never seen again. Many of us, myself included tried to follow and came across the remains of many, badly slashed and broken as if by some immense force with mighty claws and jaw. We darent go far, what with the risk of coming upon the creature. Ever since we've been isolated. We're desperate for news and for trade, have you perchance either?

Ah, I see. Well if you canna remember more than that, I suppose we're in the same position as before, though your fresh face be welcome. I haven't had new blood use the place in a long bout, but I'll get yeh set up in a cosy room and have the master start up a hot meal for yeh. 

See, nice and homey. Please make yerself comfortable and make yer way back down to the common area at yer leisure, we'll have that meal ready soon enough. Though if I'm honest, there's part o me that worries you'll vanish the moment I turn my back. We're truly happy to have yeh, miss.


Eventually we break. 
I'm breaking
Into thousands of directionless pieces
Not neatly like these lines
Not in a way that is traceble like glass
Just broken out and into space
And then collapsing in again and then I feel it burning
Held together with packing tape for a long
Long time
The heat of question marks buzzing inside
Colliding and filling the space tucked so tightly
Until finally I break again
Wide open
Tape flying
The thousand pieces gone and confused
Raging to ruin the modicum of a life 
Everything I built
From the bottom up, tear it apart
Ruin it all
Then flown back together to rebuild this heat
Never forgetting breaks past
A need to press on 
With the need to ruin and destroy
Battling to the early end 
Of me
The beasts pressing and stretching my heart apart
Never to be tamed together
Never to be torn asunder
Only battling ever on
At least until I break forever
Broken there
On the floor
In the water
In the void
In the deserts of sand or snow
Deep within the cycling earth
Forever until I'm truly broken
Like a doll forgotten and discarded
Lying there upon the floor
They hiss and roar
And I break.

on suicide prevention

Suicide is a monster, it's thoughts that seize control and quiet the logical thoughts that say other people will miss you, that you're worth anything, that the world won't be better off without you. That's the impossible battle. Sometimes it's possible to reach out when that darkness has hold of you, but sometimes it's not. Sometimes you need an outside force to keep you grounded in reality. Depression and anxiety are not logical, so in those darkest moments, how can we expect people to be able to really think through what they're feeling? It's so important that we recognise that, because whether we know it or not, placing the burden of reaching out on those struggling can add to the problem. When I have suicidal thoughts, all I can think is that the people I love and the world around me would be so much better off if they didn't have to deal with how awkward I can be and how difficult I am to be around when I'm depressed. When I'm free of those thoughts, I feel scared to confide in people because I don't want to deal with the stigma, or the risk that others might think I'm being melodramatic. That is my reality, and I know I'm not alone in that. I'm in a great place at the moment, but it's so hard to talk about like this, its so hard to be this vulnerable, but I know that we HAVE to start talking about it candidly because that's how we change things. We can start seeing the signs in our loved ones before it's too late. We can make mental healthcare more accessible for people like me who are nervous to find good, steady therapy for financial reasons.  Suicide is a monster that we all have to fight better, and in order to do that we have to listen to the scary things people who struggle say when they're able to speak up. We have to recognize that it's hard to help someone we love go through this, and that it's hard for them to open up about it. I've been so fortunate in my life, and it breaks my heart whenever I see someone who has lost those battles, because in that moment they were unable to see another way to move forward. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Stumbling through reality, waiting for the next chance I'll have to dream.
Laying late, awake and scared to sleep, knowing that the sooner I dream the sooner it ends.
The sooner I'll have to start to stumble.
Pressing deep into my matress, reaching out for an answer that never comes,
Will never come,
A question I barely grasp waits to be satisfied.
Who am I? What am I doing here?